Sunday, January 14, 2018

Do you really know
Ozaukee County’s 
Gatekeeper of Justice?
                          Adam Gerol
Ozaukee County District Attorney
 KNOW HIM???  

 The Ozaukee County District Attorney is the Gatekeeper of Justice
Did you know?
·      The District Attorney’s office thru its immense powers has the ability to take one’s life, liberty, or property on behalf of the state.
·       The District Attorney’s office has more control over an individual’s life and that of the citizen collective than any  other government authority.
·       The District Attorney at its best is one of the most beneficial forces in our society.
·      The District Attorney at its worst, acting from malice or other deviant motives, is one of the most destructive forces in our society (Abuse of Power)
·      The District Attorney with impunity can manipulate even minor offenses to criminal charges. These powers are endless when using vague or obscure statutes, EVEN when no such criminal offense occurred.
·      The District Attorney decides what evidence will be presented to the defendant and what evidence will NOT be turned over to the defendant, how the evidence is submitted and when the evidence is turned over.
·      District Attorney’s can hide evidence and even withhold exculpatory evidence, usually with impunity

District Attorneys create their own culture in 
their own prosecutor’s office
The District Attorney Decides;
·      who becomes a prosecutor
·      Policies and practices of the office
·      How and when prosecutors are trained
·      How prosecutors are held accountable, whether a prosecutor is held accountable, and whether a prosecutor is investigated for misconduct
·      Whether a prosecutor should be promoted, demoted or fired
·      Prioritizing types of cases
·      What information is released to the public

In our years of watching over the courts, we have often found that;
  •     Prosecutor ethics and conscience are often back seated for personal agendas 
  •      The rule of law is often manipulated, with the courts ruling on emotion, not law
  •      Justice is often a word, not a goal. 

There are many honest prosecutors who do their job with integrity, but some D.A.s like to game the system. For these rogue D.A’s, winning in the adversarial system of justice is far more important than ensuring justice is served.  Sad to say these rogue gamers act with impunity. 

When you have been wronged by any government agency and you subordinate your rights to such government authority, you have freely handed the first step of tyranny to government.

Additional readings;
The Tyranny of Good Intentions
By Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton

The following are hyperlinks;

So why this site?

What happens when Prosecutors Go Rogue?
The case of  "Carpooling with Amber".
State vs. Amber Schmunk
Ozaukee County Case #2017CF000319
Amber Schmunk

We will be detailing all that is wrong with 
this case,  starting with the momentary ridiculous conduct of the defendant and leading into the continuous egregious conduct of the prosecutor.

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